I will not be writing on my blog for a few days. I want to take this opportunity to open my blog to other Christian writers. In the comment section you can post your favorite blog post, or your blog address, make sure to write a brief introduction, who you are and what you write about. I would prefer that only Christian writers participate. My only request is that you avoid leaving a post that involves KJVonlysim, Calvinism, or any other dangerous dogmatism. In my absence, because I cannot write, I will read all the posts that other bloggers write. And I hope that others will be encouraged. (Disclaimer) As the writer of this blog I may not support everything that will be written or shared on this blog post. I expect a diversity of opinions, and since many bloggers have different convictions and preferences it is possible that I may not agree with each one. Despite the potential differences I respectfully encourage all Christian bloggers to participate.

Please share your blog, God bless.

Mark T. Evans